Saturday, 21 November 2015


"I Stood and looked at the Moon
Her Wondrous Light
Ravaged by the Stormy Clouds
As they Tumbled and Rolled
Across the Windy Night Sky
Glimpses of Starlight here and there
in All too brief a view
An Owl called in the Distance
the Wind carrying the sound to my Ear
A scurrying in a nearby hedge
told me the Night Shift had begun
I Bathed in Moonlight
And gave thanks for All that is
for All that Is exists only in that Moment
That single infinitismally small measure
of Time
I Breathe it in, I acknowledge it
and effortlessly Move to the next Moment
I Exhale and Let the previous Moment Go"

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Moment of Despair

"Lost in a vast Ocean of turbulent sea
I cling to my raft, full of fear for the future
The skies are my eyes and they cry
my Heart is the Ocean and it heaves
The waves crash down
and I am lost seeking safe dry land
that I cannot see"

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


"That gentle caress of mind on mind
thought against thought
electric, soft and powerful
the Two Hearts Beat
and in between, the Silence of Understanding
echoes the words they long to hear
each to each
their hands entwine and reach
deep into their Souls
and mingle there with the Eternal"

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


"I change Timelessly in an unchanging Timeless Way,
A Progression less noticed on the outside, but,
Inside there is a Vast Sea of change spanning many Lifetimes,
Infinitismally small shifts of an evolving Spirit,
A Distillation of Soul,
a Condensation of Mind,
The Alchemy of the Source adds and subtracts to the Formula
And the Experiment continues to Equilibrium"

Monday, 16 November 2015

Shadow World

"The World turns, in shadow half,
the Bright side offers promise
But beneath the Blue and Heat
the Evil they will meet,
and spill into the shadow-land
to show their true hand and
what it proffers,
Starlight, giving no Light to the Way
beckons the weak to stay
and indulge their whims
with payment of their Souls.
Repayments cannot be made
Forfeit the only way..

Sunday, 15 November 2015


"The nature of Life, the Universe and everything, is one of polarity.
There is always Yin and Yang, Up and Down, Positive and Negative,
Happy and Sad, Calm and Fear and so on.
We cannot live at these extremes,
even though we sometimes visit them from time to time,
therefore, try to find a balance between those extremes in your life,
even though this may be difficult to achieve.
Seek the help of others, find balanced people and fill your life with them,
Meditate often and see tranquillity in simple things.
Soft will defeat hard, so yield and overcome.
Above all, be humble, honest and harm no one.
Life can be short, yet do not rush through it and see only the superficial,
Mark time with the beat of the heart and the drawing of breath.
Dig deep beneath the surface of experience and draw nourishment from
the riches within"

Saturday, 14 November 2015


"The Transmutation of Spirit comes
through the Alchemy of Unconditional Love
acting on the Heart of Great Compassion,
In all things be True to the Path of Light
and remain Open to receive that which is being offered,
From Base to Crown be connected as one Body,
Fire at the bottom, Light at the top,
A Fusion of both in between.
When you touch another's Heart
do so with the lightness of a feather
as it falls to the ground
And hold it as you would a new born child,
It is then Spirit begins to change
for what Spirit can remain unchanged
in the presence of Pure Love"

Walking our Path

"The Path ahead must be viewed clearly
and with an open accepting mind,
No Path continues forever even though we might wish it to,
Each time we reach a hill on our journey,
until we can see over it
our Path ends at the horizon,
As we reach the top we must brace ourselves
and give thanks if the Path continues,
Even when it eventually stops,
we must give thanks,
for what was,
and what yet might be"

Thursday, 12 November 2015


"There is a Wilderness inside us all
and that Wilderness knows the Secrets of our Silence
During our lifetimes we visit there
seeking answers to half formed questions,
Listening with deaf ears to the Universal Silence,
Sometimes lost and wandering
Sometimes sitting at an Oasis of Truth
quenching our thirsts from a Lake of Knowledge,
We may spend days, minutes, hours journeying
through valleys of self doubt or sadness
not knowing if an answer will come,
Then, in an instant, we emerge, stronger, more assured,
and only the Wilderness knows the Truth it spoke
in Silence, in Thought, in Feeling, in Secret.
And now, we also know the Truth
that can only be acted upon, rather than spoke"

Wednesday, 11 November 2015


"And the Raven spoke to me,
and told of many Things,
Of lives Past and yet to be,
of Places far and near,
In his Dark eyes were reflected all there is to see,
And yet, many views were hidden as if in mystery,
I listened and did hear,
I trembled as in Fear,
Yet Fear was not in me,
only wonder at the sight,
His eyes sparkled as diamonds in the night sky
Then, whispering gently, said goodbye…
And was gone, as he had come
In the blink of an eye"

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Still Water

"There are moments upon which we can stand and
Gaze out upon the ocean of our Dreams…
Sometimes there is turbulence….other times, great Storms
that pound the shores of our Minds…
Yet, there are times of Sublime Calmness also,
that allow Spirit to glide effortlessly over the waters of our Inner Self
And see reflected upon the surface the Light of understanding…..
Therefore, to weather the Storms of Indecision and Doubt,
we must become an Ocean of Great Stillness beneath,
even if we tremble on the surface…."

Monday, 9 November 2015

Still Point

"Allow your Mind to walk in the Silences between Breaths
Listen to the Soundless footfall of your Being
When you can hear the un-hearable and
Touch that which cannot be felt
Then you will have arrived at the Still-Point of your Soul
You will recognize Inner Self
You will know your True Form
Only then will you be truly Awake!"

Sunday, 8 November 2015


"The Time will come, you know,
When we must bare the Spirit Raw
And expose every vein of doubt
That stops us from moving forward
To that State of Knowledge
Some call Enlightenment,
And we must blood-let from these veins
To scour the Inner Surfaces of the scales
Of hardened Self importance and Ego,
Only then, the stickiness of Love-less Minds
Will be replaced
By the smoothness of Acceptance and Non-Attachment,
And the wounded Heart will close
Ready to Love and sing with Passion"

Saturday, 7 November 2015


"Always be at peace with your own Emptiness,
It is this Void within that allows vast stores of Unconditional Love,
Humility, Joy, Sadness, Healing and Trust to be gathered,
The more we fill with these qualities,
the greater our Emptiness expands to accommodate them.
Our Spirits are Infinite, and in being so,
allows for an Infinite Emptiness to be filled
with the Light of the Unlimited Qualities
that take us beyond the Human Realm and
into that of which we truly are...Spirit"

Friday, 6 November 2015

I have no Title for this came quickly without warning....

"Go ye gently into the Night
Have ready the Lamp of Light
to loosen the shadows
of mysterious things and wait not
upon the Bridge of Ends
for surely thine eyes will fail
and upon the wind
will sail
across the Still Water Place.
Go gently and hold the Light high
and look
to the Sky, and Listen,
for what you will hear
will give you Peace"

Thursday, 5 November 2015


"I call it 'Spirit Touching'...that moment when a connection is made,
be it Touch, Vision, Word or just the Silence between two Souls that are in proximity.
There is a mingling of the Entirety of Being,
to such an extent that there is no separation,
No Void between...
Each Being the Other,
One and the Same.
But, do not seek to make this connection,
for to try will surely cause Distance...instead,
let your Self empty...
then you will be filled with this Closeness of Being"

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Emptying Your Glass

"An empty glass sits before me, yet, it is still full...
full of Air, and possesses the potential to hold so many other things.
If water is poured into it, the air is displaced...but not lost,
It seamlessly re-joins the Universal Air outside it.
As the water is poured out it re-fills with Air, and balance is maintained.
Our Hearts are like the glass, full of the potential to hold beautiful things...
the 'air' that is displaced is Spirit, which is not lost,
but joins the Universal Spirit.
As we give of ourselves, we are constantly 'topped up' with Spirit,
always maintaining Balance
and receiving the nourishment we require to continue giving without becoming Spiritually weak.
So, don't be afraid to empty your glass and give freely of it's contents.....
the more you give, the more you receive"

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Self Truth

"Where in the Heart is it to be found? Truth.
To be True to One’s Self, to Others requires that Truth be recognised within Your ‘Self’,
revealed as an intrinsic quality of Your Being.
The Absolute Truth of who You are, of Your Soul, Your Spirit,
can only shine through when You accept and Love Your Self
with whatever qualities You possess…..
only then can You give of Truth to Others.
When You can say ‘I am Truth…my name is Truth’
you have arrived in a place of great Peace and Compassion
where you will grow in Spirit and Understanding"

Monday, 2 November 2015

Movement within Stillness

"Every thing that exists requires an interaction from every other thing that co-exists with it.
Interaction may be Passive or Active,
From this we see that every thing is Blended or Mixed with every other thing in the Universe in a Chaotic Harmony.
Our Minds, our Intention determines our interaction in this Harmonic Dance and allows us to move in our own way, not just to the tune of the Universe, but to our own ‘variations on a theme’.
Yet, we do not remain still even when the Dance is stopped,
for within our Stillness there is Movement,
the subtle movement that is the Mind,
and the greatest movement of the Mind is to be found when it is Still"

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Nourishment for the Soul

"The well of compassion and forgiveness lies within each of us.
Give freely of its waters to those that you meet upon the Journey
for they may have travelled the desert of loss and pain and seek nourishment for the Soul.
Bathe their Spirit willingly and wash it clean of suffering,
and in doing so, release them from the chains of sorrow.
Relinquish your Heart,
Give of Yourself,
You will receive so much more in return"

Burnishing the Soul

"To purify Spirit we sometimes need the fire of Pain…
burning through the coating of indifference and selfishness,
cleansing down to the bare metal of our Souls,
burnishing the tarnished surface, making it clean and whole once more.
We must walk through the Fire,
placing our feet firmly on the hot coals of Humility, Compassion, Healing and Unconditional Love, and emerge on the other side,
Ego-less, Humbled, Accepting and Healed"

Saturday, 31 October 2015

A Torch to see by....

"Even in the Dark, you can still see...
by reaching out and touching...
it is the same when you are enveloped by the Darkness of Fear, Sadness, Hate, Mistrust, Anger...
reach out and touch the Heart and Spirit of another
and you will find your Way on the Path to Light....
Forgiveness is your Torch,
and its Flame is Love"

Friday, 30 October 2015

Just Let it go....

"Open your Heart as the Flower opens to the Sun…
feel the warmth of Nature’s Love and drink deep of its Joy...
Taste Happiness on the Wind as it passes over your Spirit
and allow it to caress your Soul
Dwell in that quiet place between Thoughts
Experience the Peacefulness of the Eternal Now....
Let go… By letting go, we gain.
By letting go, we gather.
By letting go, and trusting in ourselves, we enrich our Spirit"

Thursday, 29 October 2015

To be in Silence, Now.....just 'Be-ing'.....

"Surrender yourself to Silence…
be Lost in the Stillness between Heartbeats….
know the Middle Way and walk with Peace….
hold on to the Greatest Sorrow….
feel the Greatest Joy….
Be, and in Being give Everything of Yourself,
Asking for Nothing, You will receive the Greatest of Gifts"

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Welcome.....this Blog is an experiment really, a platform on which I can express various Spiritual and Personal Insights that come to me in a urgency if you like...words that need to be written down quickly lest the essence and the moment passes into fading memory....

The Title 'Just passing Through' comes from the first piece I wrote which itself was inspired by how brief a time we spend on this earth and how I see myself as I pass from one Lifetime to another....

I hope some of the writings strike a chord...or inspire....enjoy...

"I am just passing through…
I travel with the shadows...
I speak in the whispering breeze..
my tears are the falling rain...
my joy the warm sunlight....
my sound is silence...
my movement stillness...
I can be seen only with closed eyes....
touched with the Mind....
heard as an Inner Voice.....
I am just passing through"